

Resumeker is a resume workshop app that helps the user brainstorm and write their resume with the most relevant and important information. In its current state its a straight forward application with a form flow where a user inputs their information with some guided tips during the process. A user can create multiple drafts for themselves, and tailor different resumes for various jobs.

There are still some features that are WIP, such as dedicated skills bank, wider array of resume tips, and optimally down the line, a ranking algorithm or recommendation logic on the most relevant tips to give. For example, if a user wishes to create and tailor a resume for a non-developer role (current prototype only assumes full-stack positions), they might received different resume tips, and form flow entirely.


Languages Libraries / Frameworks Other
Javascript, SQL React, Postgres, Apollo Client/Server, Knex Docker, GraphQL, pgAdmin

My Role

Formally, my role was the Team Lead for Resumeker, which ends up trying to put out any fires and remove any blockers for the developers under me. I actually came onto the team late during the labs cycle as the previous TL was let go and they needed a replacement. Unfortunately

I recognized that the developers on the team were pretty overall pretty motivated, but faced some personal doubt themselves.

What I Learned

Under Construction

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